Build Success

fun. learning. community.

We build organic relationships with all of our students to ensure the learning processes are valuable and the student enjoys the sport and their learning process.

Determined to create something better, Teach Me Pickleball was formed to help all students reach that next level without losing their desire for the sport.


See What We Offer

Though our services are divided into basic areas of private lessons, small group lessons and clinics, we treat all our students as individuals and don’t think a one-sized-fits-all solution will work. We’ll help you develop a customized plan to your unique skillset.

private lessons

We will work with you to ensure we develop your individual skills through game like situations that emphasize proper technique.

small group lessons

After initial skill building, it is very beneficial to work in small groups where game play and situational play can be done while you have a coach in your corner!


From time to time, we will offer direct clinics, but you can schedule a clinic and simply bring in our instructors.  This is a great opportunity for a low cost option for a larger number of students.

A Different Approach

We believe in using game like situations, that will transfer to real game play.  Motor skill science teaches us that random play is better than repetitive drilling and we also know that it’s more fun!  Join us for a private lesson, small group or clinic and see how we do things differently!