helping players learn and have fun!

Develop Your Path to fitness, friendships and friendly competition

At Teach Me Pickleball, we strive to ensure you have fun, enjoyable and active role in the learning of pickleball.  All training is based on motor skill acquisition science and every lesson will be tailored to your needs.

We look forward to working with you in your training!

private lessons

We offer private lessons that help you achieve your personal goals. Do you need help with dinking, lobbing or third shot drops? Are you truly just a beginner picking up a paddle for the first time?  Are you looking to focus on a specific skill to improve? We’ve got the skills to train and teach in a fun, innovative and scientific way, proven to garner success.

small group training

Our dynamic training covers a variety of skill levels from a begginer to improver.  If you’re just starting out, have too many things to think about, need high-level positive coaching or need skill tips that fit your style or game, our programs fit the bill.


Where do we deliver the most? In our client’s results. We work with adults of any age, youth and children from start to finish.  We can tailor a clinic for your organization, club or group of friends;  Just tell us your goals and we will be happy to build a program that fits.